Freely Received, Freely Given.
Serving God by Being His Hands and Feet by Serving Those in Need
About Us
Food Distribution Ministry
Hungry for Christ in Hamilton, MI., is a food distribution ministry that freely receives and freely gives. Thanks to the many connections we have with over 50 food manufacturers and distributors we bless over 220 nonprofit partners in 13 west Michigan counties.

Our Story
Hungry for Christ has been in operation for twenty-five years. In 2000, Curt and Tracy Brower were challenged by their pastor to think about whether they were using the gifts and talents God had given them to further His Kingdom. After many conversations, much thought and prayer, God led them to understand that their knowledge of proper food storage and distribution could be used in better ways to serve Him.
At that time, they both worked for a trucking company which specialized in dry and perishable food warehousing. They had many connections with a variety of companies that manufactured food products and were bothered by the amount of food being thrown away. This was due to a customer not receiving exactly what had been ordered, a change of ingredients, minor damage done to the outer packaging during delivery, or even misspellings on the package labels.
Customers would refuse to accept the delivery of their order and since the manufacturer would not be able to resell the items, large quantities of perfectly good food products were being thrown away. Together they began to formulate ways to "rescue" this unsalable food, properly store it, repackage it, and distribute it to the growing number of families they knew needed food.
What humbly started with a few freezers in their garage has now expanded to a warehouse with 44,000 square feet of dry storage space, 54,000 cubic feet of freezer space and 180,000 cubic feet of refrigerated space.
Our mission statement is: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35
Meet The Team

Volunteers are the “heartbeat” of Hungry for Christ. Hungry For Christ is blessed with over 200 volunteers that serve yearly: providing time, expertise, and energy to ensure we fulfill our mission.